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I am constantly amazed at Peter’s work ethic and passion for everything he’s doing. Ever since I’ve known Peter, he’s always been on the cutting edge of what’s new in social media and the music industry, and he’s been incredibly generous in sharing his knowledge with myself and other creators in this space. Peter views others as collaborators, not competitors, and I think his passion and collaborative spirit make his Creator Academy an incredible resource for anyone looking to build a career in this industry.
Taylor Davis
Peter has cracked the code. He's a textbook example of the New Model of entrepreneurship. The Hollens Creator Academy is your roadmap to take your talents and passions and turn them into a stream of income. Peter breaks complex topics down into simple and actionable steps and all the while empowers you to get out there and change your life. I've loved watching Peter fight for creators and bring many along with him, and I'm honored to call him my friend.
Graham Cochrane